At this time of pandemic anxiety, moving house can add to the stress of having to manage and arrange various services, as well as the physical labour involved.
Moving years of belongings from one place to another is no easy feat, let alone relocating your entire life in general but it can also be very exciting!
Before you can even start filtering, consolidating and packing your belongings, you will need to source for a moving or storage service and obtain essential packing materials such as boxes, tapes, and so on. If you require extra storage space in Singapore, reach out to us! We offer storage solution for both private and also commercial use.
To keep you sane and totally ready for move-in day, we have rounded up a list of 6 ways where you can get boxes for moving house at an affordable cost, or for free!
1. Supermarkets
Both large grocery chains such as Giant or NTUC Fairprice and small neighbourhood grocers should have plenty of sizable boxes up for grabs.
The best part is they are available on a regular basis since supermarkets receive shipments of fresh produce daily or weekly. All you need is to plan ahead of time and let them know that you’re looking for boxes for moving house.
Fruit and vegetable boxes made of corrugated cardboard are particularly useful because they are solid, though there would be small holes to allow breathing room.
As long as they are clean, they make great moving tools for your home supplies. Line the boxes with paper or wrap your items in bags to ensure cleanliness.
Supermarket managers are usually open to having these boxes taken off their hands so next time you go grocery shopping, feel free to let them know.
2. Local Stores and Retailers
Singapore is not lacking in local stores and retailers and these places are often great resources in finding free boxes for moving house.
Particularly pharmacies, department stores, liquor stores, office supply stores, and home improvement stores will have the right size boxes for your need.
Wine and liquor boxes are solid, but they are usually sectioned into compartments so you may need to be more creative in using them to transport your belongings.
Large home improvement stores such as Mr DIY will generally have large boxes to house tools, appliances and cans but it may be difficult to obtain if you are just dropping by on the fly.
It still doesn’t hurt to check in and ask or opt for smaller locally-owned hardware stores where you may have forged a relationship with the owners.
3. Recycling Centres
If you are coming up short on obtaining free boxes from supermarkets and retail stores, your next best bet would be recycling centres.
The only caveat is that most of the boxes you find will probably be flattened and folded so you may have to take more time to inspect them closely for signs of damage or dirt.
To locate your nearest recycling centre, check out the National Environment Agency (NEA) website.
While there are no guarantees you’ll find boxes in the sizes you want, it is still a viable option to consider when you’re moving houses.
4. Friends and Neighbours
One of the easiest ways to find free boxes for moving house is by simply asking around your circle of friends and neighbours.
Especially during this period where online shopping is an alternative while being isolated at home, your close circle could have extra boxes lying around from recent deliveries, or from moving, themselves.
In addition, even if they don’t have any boxes, their friends and family may be in possession of some.
If you find it a hassle texting and calling every contact on your address book, do the 21st century way of posting a status on your social media – Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram – to let people know you are looking for moving supplies.
Join community groups online for an added reach for assistance and to increase your chances of finding what you need.
5. Online Boxing Sites
If you want to save the hassle of sourcing for free boxes at supermarkets, retailers, friends, you can choose to purchase them online, which will guarantee that they are clean, dry and sturdy enough to withstand the weight of your household items.
Plus, you can even purchase used boxes at a super affordable rate and it will be worth it, though it is best to plan ahead as delivery will take time.
Cartonboxsg is the leading provider of carton boxes in Singapore and provides a wide range of boxes made of eco-friendly materials.
Their used corrugated boxes go as low as $1 per piece. If you are primarily looking for used carton boxes, you can find them at usedcartonbox.com, a company that collects and resells boxes as a more effective and ecological option for house movers to have a low-cost option.
Buysomeboxes also offers packing supplies and tools, in addition to boxes although there is a delivery fee of $12 for orders below $50.
6. Moving and Storage Companies
Sometimes, it is best to kill two birds with one stone. So if you are also looking for a moving and/or storage service, you will be able to get moving boxes as part of the package.
This way, you can be assured that you are receiving the best quality and service.
Most of these companies usually offer packing services as well so if you are feeling overwhelmed, help is on its way!
To make your moving process easier, CYC Movers provides boxes for moving house that is of various sizes which will help you to better organise your belongings when you are preparing for your move.
You may fill up our Moving Accessories Order Form if you require boxes from us during your move.
We are Open to Help!
As a professional mover, CYC Movers aim to provide a trusted and assuring moving experience to our customers because we believe every move symbolizes change and hope for the future and is an important milestone in everyone’s lives.
Hence, we have ensured that our services, including the availability of boxes for moving house plans, will be available to you throughout this circuit breaker period and beyond.
Contact us today to get a quote and we will be delighted to make your moving journey a pleasant and easy one!