How To Unpack Your Office After A Move

How To Unpack Your Office After A Move

It is undoubtedly an exciting experience to move to a new office. A change in the environment may be the impetus your business needs to push on. However, the clutter of cardboard boxes containing your office equipment serves as a reminder of the unpacking task that lies ahead of you.

If you are overwhelmed with work, it may be tempting to put off unpacking the equipment due to the time-consuming nature of the task. But you may discover that this decision may be counter-productive. This is because the clutter serves as a distraction, making it challenging for you to focus on work.

As such, the first thing you should do is unpack everything the office movers have shifted to your new office. If you are unsure of where to begin, fret not! We have compiled a list of practical tips to help you unpack everything in an efficient and organised manner.

Tip #1: Ensure you have a checklist

Ensure you have a checklist Office Movers in Singapore

Before you begin unpacking, have a checklist in hand detailing all the key tasks that need to be addressed so that nothing is overlooked. This method is a practical way for you to ensure the move goes off without a hitch.

Once a task is done, you can check it off the list, giving you a clear idea of what remains to be completed. This is also a handy way to keep track of your inventory, ensuring that nothing is left behind by the office movers during the move.

Tip #2: Unpack the frequently used equipment first

Unpack the frequently used equipment first Office Movers in Singapore

The first task you should prioritise on your checklist is undoubtedly the unpacking of all the essential office equipment. It is only logical to do so since you will require these items to get work done. 

Let us share a handy list of items you will need to unpack first after moving office, but feel free to add to this list as needed:

  • Office desks
  • Office chairs
  • Desk lamps
  • Stationeries
  • Telephones
  • Printers
  • Photocopiers
  • Fax machines
  • Computers

Tip #3: Install all technical equipment

Install all technical equipment Office Movers in Singapore

Once you have the office furniture set up, it is time to shift your focus to installing your IT equipment, like the office Wi-Fi. Before you begin, you may want to ensure all the devices are shifted over by the IT movers and no equipment is left out.

If you have an IT expert on your team, it is best to follow their lead in installing all the IT equipment. It is essential for you to have an established location for each device. A pro tip is to set up the most frequently used equipment, such as the fax machine and printer, within reach of your work desk so that it is easily accessible.

Tip #4: Organise your desk

Organise your desk Office Movers in Singapore

Another task that you should not overlook is the organising of your desk. Like how a cluttered office serves as a distraction from work, a messy desk can affect your team’s productivity. As such, you should ensure your desk is clutter-free and only contains the bare essentials, with all the frequently used supplies organised neatly and within reach. 

If you keep putting off unpacking your office, you are essentially wasting time at work since your office will be less productive. Therefore, it is vital for you to unpack your office as soon as possible after a move. And we hope the tips we have shared can help you do so in an efficient and organised manner.

At CYC Movers, we are a professional moving company in Singapore with a proven track record. Our reliable office movers are highly trained and possess years of experience in the industry. As such, you can rest easy knowing your equipment is in safe hands when you move to a brand new office location. If you are interested to learn more about our services, do not hesitate to reach out to us today to get a quote!